四月份團契聚會 APRIL Fellowship

Title: 團契聚會 Monthly Fellowship

Date 日期: Sunday, April 28, 2013 (四月廿八日, 星期日)

Time 時間: 7:00PM—10:00PM

Location 地點: 19 Waterman Avenue, Suite 207, Toronto ON M4B 1Y2, Canada

Speaker 講員: Praveen Thomas

感謝讚美主!Omega事工要搬家了,神賜給我們一個全新的聚會地點,當中看到主特別的手在當中為我們開路與預備,一個接一個異夢和異象的啟示,帶領我們走在祂對事工的命定,不禁驚歎神作為的奇妙,和祂的恩典與慈愛,原來作神的工作,就只要不斷親近祂,留意祂給的啟示,憑信心順服祂的帶領。我們除了會在網站刊登神在新場地帶領我們的見證,我們也將會在這個週日的團契和你分享,此外,我們還再次請到 Praveen Thomas 來分享信息,會後也會有個人先知性服事的時間,歡迎來參加我們這個週日的團契聚會。

感謝主,OMEGA 中國朝顏分部已在瀋陽成立,上次通宵禱告會,多倫多與沈陽的弟兄姊妹透過網路,同步在主面前代禱,我們也分享了從神而來關乎中國與即將而來的全球地震的先知啟示,很快的我們就在最近看到中國四川發生大地震。歡迎至我們的網站流覽這段從神而來的啟示。




寻找OMEGA聚会场地见证 (二)——— 19 WATERMAN



Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Praise the Lord! We are moving to a new meeting place, where God gave us. Thanks for His preparation and through the revelation of the dreams and visions, leading us info the destination of Omega Ministry with His mighty hands. We can only marvel at His wonderful works, and His grace and mercy. To do His jobs, just needs to keep close to Him, pay attention to the revelation He gave, and have faith to obey His guidance. We’ll not only share with you how God led us to this new location at our website, but also at this coming Sunday fellowship. We’re also honoured to invite Praveen Thomas to share messages at the meeting. There will be a time of prayer and prophecy for individual after services as well. Welcome to come and join us this Sunday fellowship.

Praise the Lord to OMEGA China Division has set up in ShenYang. At the last overnight prayer meeting, the brothers and sisters in ShenYang joined us together to pray over the network. We also shared about the China, Asian and global seismic prophetic revelation from Lord. The prophecy soon came true by the recent earthquake in SiChuan China. Please go to our website to view this revelation from God.

As the coming of the Lord gets closer, we believe that the major disaster we are going to face has entered the countdown stage, which is the one of the reasons for the establishment of Omega Ministry as God’s will. In His leadership, we have also set up a outdoor lifesaving preparatory group. The revelation and testimony of the establishment of the group has been posted on our site. Welcome to go to the following URL.


The testimony of looking for new meeting location:



Omega Ministry Service Center