Dear Friends in Yeshua,
It is our desire as a family that our lives reflect our King in all we do. Following is the short story of how we have been called to leave Florida and come to the mountains to secure a sanctuary for the Kingdom for the soon coming tribulations this earth will experience. For all who read this, may it be an example of our Father’s grace, provision, and unending faithfulness.
In May of this year, during my prayer time, the Lord said the name of a town to me. I had never heard of this word, and so I asked if I could look it up. At the time, He said no, that I was to pray and He would confirm the state. He did confirm days later, and He told me it was a secluded and very small place in the mountains. Then I was given the name Zoar. A very strange name for sure! (this is not the town we are going to, but He referenced this as to the size of the town He named and what it would mean spiritually) I knew I had heard of this name before, but had no idea how. I continued to pray, and He told me it was in the Word. Well, the meaning of this word in Hebrew is “smallness, or place of insignificance”. It just so happens to be the place where the Lord led Lot and his family to a safe haven while He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah! Wow!
Genesis 19:22-23
King James Version (KJV)
22 Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do anything till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar.
23 The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar.
I was told to wait a time before going to the internet for the map, and to locate the town. So I continued to pray and ask for confirmation for what I was hearing. Only days later, my husband, who finally had the best paying job he had ever had, after 3 years of unemployment, was told by the Lord to walk away from his job, that He would be moving us in a different direction. The very next day, he was laid off. Then after I was given a vision of the exact layout of the property God was going to have us go to, one of my three daughters, age 13, came to me one morning and told me the exact vision I had received. All of our family were being told we were leaving to go to the mountains. I then received permission to research and was told to look at the map and there it was. I had to go to several maps before I could find it, as it is indeed quite small. I was told the property would have acreage, and a fresh water source, be surrounded on 3 sides by mountains with an area open in the middle for fellowship/gathering, and that this place would be invisible to the road and invisible to the enemy. Our Father is indeed faithful, and the layout is exactly as He showed us. You can not see the sanctuary from the road, and it is indeed surrounded by mountains on 3 sides with an opening in the front, and is nestled in a small valley. It gets better, there is a fresh water mountain stream running through the property and directly alongside the farmhouse!!! Praise God for His faithfulness. My husband looked at several properties in the area, and finally was led to this particular one. There were seven actually, and of course, the one we were to have is the Lord’s number, 7. Yeshua told my husband he would know when he saw it, and this is what happened.
My husband was then told to leave right away to secure this property, and find work. The Lord gave him a job immediately. We also knew that we were not to go through any banks for financing, and the property had to be purchased without the ‘system’ being involved. Once again, God is so faithful, and the owner agreed to sell the property to us at a ‘rent to own’ agreement. I was told for every step of obedience we followed through with, the Lord would meet us there with the next step, and this is exactly what He has been doing. It is absolutely amazing to see His divine providence and provision!! This began in May, and the Lord also spoke during this month, “Prepare to leave quickly!”, and as we look back now to May, this has happened at lightning speed. Scripture has always confirmed each thing the Lord would speak to us concerning this move.
Matt:18:19-” Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father which is in Heaven.”
Heb 6:12-20-”That we are not slothful and by faith and patience, inherit our promised from God”
Heb 11:6-”But without faith it is impossible to please Him; for He that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”
Isa 40:31-”But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint.”
Rom 8:15-”For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but ye have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.”
Rom 8:28-”We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose.”
By the end of June, the Lord spoke to me about the next step. He told us to move forward in boldness and without hesitation and claim what is rightfully ours as He had ordained for us. He told us to remember that we were operating under Kingdom principles now and not as the world would dictate to us. We were to walk in Kingdom authority and position in which we had been placed. He said that things would not happen as we expected, that He was the One providing the sanctuary, and He would secure a means of provision for what He had called us to do. He told us we could not fail if we continued forward in total obedience to Him, and He would place people in our path to assist us. We were told we would be taken completely out of our comfort zone, but that He would carry the burden for us. He then said, step out, and I will meet you there. He said much would not make sense to us because we see dimly through the veil, but to pray to see beyond that now because it is time for His anointed to work with Him on a higher level. Raise your eyes Heavenward, He told us, and reminded us that we are more than conquerors in Him. He said that nothing could thwart His plan for us and we were to go step by step, little by little to claim what is ours for the good of all!
The month of July is now upon us and He has more to say. He tells us He is doing a great thing, and that He is closing doors and opening others. He speaks about not looking behind us, only pressing forward and pressing in. Now we knew we were on the right track, because the enemy came flying in through past relationships and issues that we have already walked away from to hinder us. We continued to march on. He spoke to us about remaining in His flow, and being very direct and disciplined in everything we did as well as our decision-making. You must not hesitate or pause in your progress He told us because much was dependent on our forward actions continually. He said we were to be about His Father’s business. Wow. That’s pretty simple and direct, you have to admit. He said if we were unwavering in our faith He will accomplish much through us.
On July 25th I hear, “Your obedience in the order is key.”
We are now to the month of August and my husband signs the agreement in the first week of the month. The Lord then gives me this scripture: Psa 78:52-54-” But He made His own people to go forth like sheep and guided them in the wilderness like a flock. And He led them on safely, so that they feared not; but the sea overwhelmed their enemies and He brought them to the border of His sanctuary even to this mountain, which His right hand had purchased.” Wow! This purchase was totally and completely His, as we were not capable of purchasing this ourselves. Truly amazing!
Moving on to the month of September, my husband has paid part of the down payment for the property, and the owner agrees to allow him and my brother to go ahead and live there and make preparations for the rest of us to come up….this is before the full down payment is made, not the usual protocol! The Lord had told me earlier in the summer that we would all be there by Fall. A very dear sister in Christ was given a word for us, that the Lord would move mens hearts mightily on our behalf, and since spoken, He continues to move powerfully to provide for our needs here.
My daughters and I are still in Florida at this time, packing and waiting for all to come together so we can join my husband and brother at the sanctuary. I am given a word for my husband that his job in NC will end suddenly, (he only had this job for a little more than two months), and that he is to focus now on staying at the sanctuary to prepare for the family to unite. This word was given to me on a Friday, and that next Monday my husbands truck broke down so he couldn’t work that day. When he went in the next day, he was told there was no longer a position for him. Closed door again, always moving forward in His flow! I am given a powerful word on Sept. 25 concerning how things are happening at this point. I’ll be honest to say that at this point, both myself and my husband were thinking about ‘borrowing’ the money we needed from family to finish paying the down payment, when we were supposed to be waiting on the Lord to move on the hearts of men to provide it. We were not to go into debt. This is what He spoke that day:
My daughter, had I given you all the money you needed at once, you would not have learned what I am teaching you, this is complete and total surrender to Me. I set forth this vision upon you and your family and have I not told you I am faithful to complete it? Where is your trust? Have I not shown you through those I have sent your way that I burden the hearts of men to move on My behalf? Nothing occurs that I have not purposed. I understand your struggle but as I have told you so many times, there is a divine order to all I do. I cannot nor will I fail you. This is not about man’s timing and deadlines needing met. This entire move is about Me. KEEP YOUR FOCUS. Place the vision directly in front of you. Your instructions have been to keep your eyes on Me but you have looked to the left and to the right for help. My ways are not mans ways. You are experiencing those trials because I need a remnant, I need an army that only has eyes for Me, and only has ears to hear Me. All I have ever required of you and David is your obedience. Complete obedience. You can do nothing on your own and when you attempt to do things on your own, do you see how you become frustrated and uncomfortable? This should be a warning sign that your focus is drifting. I am very well aware of man’s deadlines and contractual agreements. Tell Me, in My Kingdom, does this have any relevance? What of having a Kingdom perspective? Have you come this far now only to step off of the path that is illuminated before you? I say not! I am still directly ahead of you, drawing you in, step by step. Remember what I have told you along this journey. You take one step in total obedience and surrender and I will meet you there. Have I not done this? Daughter-do not quit now. Run to Me. You are almost to the top of the mountain and I will then show you things that you couldn’t ever dream possible. Wait on Me in all things, in all ways, in all circumstances. Do not hinder My flow. You and David step out of the way and allow My grace to flow unhindered. This is My plan, not of your making.”
He went on with some other personal instructions, but there it was. Directly spoken. We were to wait on Him and not try to ‘provide’ the money we needed for the rest of this property, or the funds needed for the move. We still had to rent a moving truck and trailer for our horse. But He was extremely clear, He would provide. So the very morning that we were due to leave, my husband had driven back from the mountains to help move us to the property. We had an exact amount saved for the gas we needed to get there, and expenses along the way. We had a wonderful donation from a sister in Christ that paid for the moving truck the very DAY before we were scheduled to leave. Truly God. So on that same morning before we were to leave, my husband’s truck breaks down again, and we had to use some of the gas money that was supposed to be for our trip. Unbelievable! What were we supposed to do? We now looked at the savings and were short the gas money for the trip. I cried out to Abba, what should we do? Well, it just so happens that I called my mom to say goodbye really, and visit for a bit before we left. I told her what had happened, and she very lovingly offered triple the amount we needed to cover the cost of my husband’s truck, and to pay for the trip north. I then, while I was still talking to her on the phone, went to my mailbox for the very last time, only to find a check for $1000 more dollars towards our ministry. I fell to my knees and cried, and praised our King for showing us that even when all seems hopeless, He will NEVER FAIL US….NEVER…
On October 9, we leave Florida, and because of our Father’s hand of grace and the many thousands of prayers being lifted up for our family, arrive safely in this mountain sanctuary, about 20 hours later. It was so amazing too, as although seemingly impossible, I had prayed that all four of our vehicles could convoy together along the interstate, that we would not have to separate. I prayed for a clear path, that the angels would make space for us with plenty of room and we would not have a problem staying together the entire way. I probably don’t have to tell you, our Heavenly team did an outstanding job of making the way straight for us, the entire way!! I have never had so much peace in my spirit in my entire life as we drove north. I was leaving my home of 12 years where my girls had grown up, with more animals than most people would consider sane…and driving a church bus (I did not do this before…) with my life’s belongings and 2 of my girls in other vehicles in front or behind me. One would think that there would be a degree of stress involved, especially even after I had not slept in 3 nights because of so much to do, but as I said, His peace flowed through my spirit and the drive was effortless, as I felt we were driving under the wings of eagles!
And so here we are, just getting internet service today, 3 weeks later. Praise God, because it has also been a prayer of mine that this journey be recorded and journaled so that as many people as possible will read it and see the wonder of the God we serve. He will always make a way when the way seems impossible. Always. It is a different life here, much more primitive, as we have no indoor plumbing and the old cabin is quite small and uninsulated. BRRR…a bit cold, but we haven’t seen anything yet we’ve been told! Besides getting the water run from the springhouse to the cabin, and a hot water heater, our main priority is heat in the house. We are looking for a wood stove now. We also have major repairs to do to the two outbuildings here, and the driveway which is about ¼ mi long up to the property desperately needs fixed. It is washed out in three places and very difficult to traverse. We do have our work cut out for us, but as He has proven obviously, He is moving powerfully in our situation and He will accomplish all that He has set out before us, through us, as we walk in obedience to His will.
Although there are many other small details of things that happened in the last few months, times that our Father came to the rescue again and again, my prayer is that as you read our story, your faith will be strengthened and you will be encouraged in your own situations. We must know that we know, He is always faithful, and He will never leave us or forsake us.
As always, I give all of the praise and the honor and the glory to my Almighty King, the King of Kings and the Lord of All for His grace and His love towards us. I will continue as things progress to keep this testimony updated, and for those interested, please let me know by e-mail and I will send you updates as they are written.
God bless each and every one of you and my family will never be able to thank you enough for all of your prayers and your donations to this ministry. We are not able to move forward except through the generosity of family in Yeshua who have been so faithful to support us and who are willing to be stretched for the cause of the Kingdom and His purposes for these times in which we live. We pray for you each and every day, as well as your personal intentions. And who knows, we may be seeing some of you very, very soon here!
In Him and in His Heart,
Julie and David, Jeff, Lakela, Malia, Brielle
Article from: https://omegaministryorg.com/p/aplace-of-refuge-dear-friends-in-yeshua.html