Date: Sunday, March 23, 2014, 3月23日 星期日
Time: 7:30pm
Location: 19 Waterman Avenue, Suite 207, Toronto ON M4B 1Y2, Canada
講員Preacher:Dr. Eric Wilding
语言 Language: English and Mandarin 中英同步

Eric 博士是Wildking事工的负责人,也是加拿大Royal Family International University 的 Director,他常常到世界不同的地方教导和装备信徒,也透过神的话,神的灵和先知的预言传福音。他的心愿是所有的人都知道并经历与三位一 体真神的亲密关系。
Eric 博士有医治的恩赐和心肠,许多骨折,身体疼痛,经历车祸伤残的人都透过他的服事,经历神的医治。
Our passion is to equip co-rulers in the kingdom to live in the freedom and fullness of the Spirit of the Father’s Son as new creations, supernatural sons and daughters.
Life in Christ is untamed: “For freedom the King has set us free” (Galatians 5:1). We love to uncage saints from four walls and negative mindsets.
The King and His message are on the move: “God is love…and as He is so are we now in this world” (1 John 4: 16, 17). Everywhere we go, this gospel is accompanied with authority and power through signs, wonders and miracles. We travel the world discipling both believers and non-believers to live in the glory of the WILDKING.
Dr. Eric Wilding serves as an evangelist in this ministry, which is in communion with Royal Family International. In an encounter, he heard Abba God say, “I have given you a brain transplant. I have taken out your brain and replaced it with my heart.” The gospel is simple; it transforms minds, hearts and lives.
Dr. Eric Wilding serves is director of WildKing Ministries and Canadian director of Royal Family International University. He travels the world teaching and equipping believers to evangelizing in public places through Word and Spirit, prophesy and miracles. His heart is for all people to know and experience their identity within the intimate, radical love of Abba, Jesus and Holy Spirit.