約珥軍隊—-Paul Cain

摘自: http://hag27.pixnet.net/blog/post/30102419–%E7%B4%84%E7%8F%A5%E8%BB%8D%E9%9A%8A-


「你們要在錫安吹角,在我聖山吹出大聲。國中的居民都要發顫;因為耶和華的日子將到,已經臨近。 那日是黑暗、幽冥、密雲、烏黑的日子,好像晨光鋪滿山嶺。有一隊民又大又強;從來沒有這樣的,以後直到萬代也必沒有。

 他們前面如火燒滅,後面如火燄燒盡。未到以前,地如伊甸園;過去以後,成了荒涼的曠野;沒有一樣能躲避他們的。 他們的形狀如馬,奔跑如馬兵。在山頂蹦跳的響聲如車輛的響聲,又如火燄燒碎稭的響聲,好像強盛的民擺陣預備打仗。他們一來,眾民傷慟,臉都變色。 他們如勇士奔跑,像戰士爬城;各都步行,不亂隊伍。彼此並不擁擠,向前各行其路,直闖兵器,不偏左右。

他們蹦上城,躥上牆,爬上房屋,進入窗戶如同盜賊。 他們一來,地震天動,日月昏暗,星宿無光。 耶和華在他軍旅前發聲,他的隊伍甚大;成就他命的是強盛者。因為耶和華的日子大而可畏,誰能當得起呢﹖ 」

下面是先知Paul Cain有關約珥軍隊的預言,中文版本只供參考:



電 視新聞在報導死人復活及神跡醫治等真人真事。沒有一個未信主的記者可以走近台上那些男人。他們不知道這些人是誰。保羅用「無名氏」來形容他們。他聽見電視 新聞報導員說:「今天晚上沒有體育新聞,因為所有體育館,公園,競技場全都用作大型復興聚會,裡面擠滿高喊「耶穌是主,耶穌是主」的人。

在 這些異象中,保羅看見台上的人服侍三晝夜無需進食,喝水或換衣服。超自然能力支持著他們如此事奉。在異象中,保羅站在生命的十字路口上,看見一個告示牌寫 著:「約珥軍隊受訓中」人們受訓如何服從耶穌而行,他們學會忍耐與堅持,擁有神的能力,成就了一切,他們仍能站立抵擋仇敵。




「約珥二章中所形容的約珥軍隊是神的軍隊,不是一些人所以為的邪惡軍隊。他們是那些『腳是鐵的,與泥不能攙雜』──只有神的智慧,不會模仿其他神的子民。 教會中一些明星會跌倒。主會擁有一個聖潔,受膏的器皿在祂的國中作先驅,如此,沒有任何人能自誇,一切榮耀單單歸給神。」

Paul has had several specific burdens and prophetic expectations for the Body of Christ today and in the days to come. He has had reoccurring visions concerning the end time, which he believes are rapidly approaching.  About 30 years ago the Lord gave Paul a vision that has occurred to Paul more than 100 times and still reoccurs to this day.

It is a vision of the last days when sports stadiums all over the United States are filled with thousands of people. In this vision, people are being healed and miracles are happening to thousands in the name of Jesus Christ.  People are turning to the Lord in droves and the whole nation is in revival. It seemed the whole earth was turning to Christ.

Television news reporters are broadcasting stories of resurrections and miracle healings. None of the secular reporters could get near the men on the platform. They did not know who the men were. Paul described them as “almost faceless men.” He hears a TV anchorman saying, “There are no sporting events to report tonight because all the stadiums, ball parks and arenas are being used for large revival meetings and are filled with people crying, ”Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord.”
In these visions, Paul saw these men minister for three days and nights without food, water or change of clothing. Supernatural strength enabled them to continue for these long periods.

In the vision, Paul is standing at the crossroads of life and sees a billboard that says, “Joel’s army now in training.” People are being trained to walk in obedience to Jesus. They have learned patience and endurance, have the power of God and having done all, they know how to stand against the enemy.

“They will have the mind of Christ,” Paul said. “They will partake of the heavenly calling and be a new breed, God’s dread champions.” Those ministries will be filled with such passion for Jesus and the power of the Spirit that the host of darkness will dread their impact.

Paul said in the midst of the Laodicean church age of lethargy and apathy, that God was preparing in hiddenness an army to pull down enemy strongholds, and go forth in the power of God and have pure and undefiled religion.

“He’s going to do this with a people who have stripped themselves and separated themselves from the world, the flesh and the devil,” Paul said. “They will realize the end time is here and that things are in a mess and things at the end time are different. Just as it required total sacrifice on the part of the disciples to begin this thing, it will require an equal commitment from us to complete the task in the end times. Joe’s mighty army, as described in Joel Ch. 2 is the army of God – not a wicked army, as some have thought. They are the ones with ‘feet of iron not mixed with clay’, with the wisdom of God alone, not imitators of other men of God. Some of the superstars of the Church will fall. The Lord will have an army of holy anointed vessels to usher in His kingdom so that no one man can take credit for it. It will be to the glory of God alone.”