2014年—先知性長老使徒會議 A.C.P.E. 翟辛蒂(Cindy Jacobs)


A.C.P.E. Word of the Lord for 2014
翟辛蒂(Cindy Jacobs


「先 知性長老使徒會議」(The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders,
)自1999年以來,在每年的新年之前我們會一起禱告來尋求主的話。在2011年,我們增加一組新興的預言領袖,而今年我們將他們視為我們經驗豐 富的圓桌會議成員,同樣地我們也將他們的意見納入今年主的話之中。

「先知性長老使徒會議」深信我們正在扮演使徒行傳13:1-3經文裡 的團隊角色。這段經文指出,這是聖靈釋放出一個預言作為眾先知的共識,而不是任何一位先知的唯一言論,所以,縱然這些是我們每個人所帶到圓桌會議的預言彙



身 為先知,回頭去檢視我們過去所說的預言,才是明智之舉,於是我們察驗了2011年到2013年的預言,並注意到,神不斷地在說有關這些年的一些發展趨勢。 因此,讓我們重申,預言所指的時間,一般應該更多解讀為季節方面,而不是日曆上的時間,所說的預言並非命運或是因果報應,而是取決於神的百姓如何回應而改

2014年-雙倍之年(The Year of the Double 

有 一種屬靈的含意是針對我們已進入的猶太曆5774年、以及2014年,這二者以相當有趣的方式結合在一起。猶太曆5774年象徵著我們將「看見門」或是 「知道我們應該走的路」,而2014年數字中的14 ,或者說是兩個7,是表示「雙倍」的意思,總而言之,我們認為這是城門(double doors)〔雙門〕的季節。

以賽亞書45:1-3 【註:後句括號經文為現代中文譯本】

我─耶和華所膏的塞魯士;我攙扶他的右手,使列國降伏在他面前。我也要放鬆列王的腰帶,使城門(double doors)在他面前敞開,不得關閉。〔上主膏立塞魯士,揀選他作王。上主指派他征服列國,差他去削減諸王的權力。上主要列國為塞魯士大開城門,不再關閉。〕


我要將暗中的寶物和隱密的財寶賜給你,使你知道提名召你的,就是我─耶和華、以色列的 神。〔我要把隱藏的寶物、庫裏的財富都賜給你;我要你知道我是(I Am)上主,知道以色列的上帝指名呼喚你。〕







敬畏耶和華(The Fear of the Lord

數字14也與敬畏耶和華(the fear of the
)有關聯,在箴言中使用了14次。神要將「敬畏耶和華」 放回到教會中,藉由一個新的聖潔運動將可看到,新的忍耐將賜給那些在社會各階層中捍衛聖潔的人,這將以一種獨特的方式彰顯出來,是透過那些被呼召到媒體和
電影業的人。有一種「施洗約翰」式的恩膏將臨到年輕的傳道者,以非常真實、深刻的信仰轉變方式來傳揚福音,這將會導致戲劇性的轉變,使一個生命從罪惡轉變 為聖潔。

拯救與救贖( Deliverance and



希望之門(The Door of Hope













一 個新的政黨種子將與公義和公平對齊,在全國中如雨後春筍般出現。在政治版圖上會有一個改變,這將導致新的結盟,而這些結盟會讓人感到驚訝甚至震驚。美國就
在一個地方,那是一個新的「林肯黨」,偕同革命性的改革者而興起。這將會有一個社會正義之心-打擊人口販賣、貧窮、種族主義以及墮胎,這會結合聖經的價值 觀。其中一個特性會是財政計劃,當放在合適的位置時,將能消除國家債務。再次應當注意的是,這不會發生在短期的一年之內,這需要大量的代禱。






煉金之人的火(The Refiner’s Fire


在美國的政治版圖中,會有一群新的「黑袍團」(black robe regiment)牧師掘起,正如在國家初期之情形,凡是拒絕去妥協聖經價值觀的人,會毫無顧忌的無所懼怕,從他們的講壇上宣講出真理。

耶穌門徒運動(Jesus People Movement

美 國現在是在另一個耶穌門徒運動當中,就像在60年代末期和70年代初期之間。從某種意義上來說,從以前到現在,我們似乎一直在「預言停滯期」
prophetic lull),關於未來,神一直沉默不語,但是這都在上帝的策略計畫之中,神一直在秘密預備一個新世代的領袖,他們具有雙倍的恩膏,他們就是新的耶穌門徒(Jesus People,他們是充滿熱情與憐憫的一支勢不可擋的軍隊-為失喪的人有熱情,對那些受到貧窮、人口販賣、以及其他不公義之事所奴役之人存有憐憫的心。


這 些璀璨耀眼的明星將突然躍上世界各國的舞台,他們將開始行出神蹟,就好像只有當今的世代才能讀到、夢想到以及禱告而看見發生的。世界各地的醫院將開放成為

新聞媒體將因 他們所看到的事而心驚肉跳,而故事會被檢驗證實。運動界或運動行業將繼續受到影響,而在球員中的上帝運動將逐漸擴大,會看到整支球隊「暫停」
taking two)球賽並跪下來禱告,無論是賽前和賽後,甚至對方陣營也會跟著做,而且自由媒體也不能因為輿論的影響而干預之。即使在威爾斯大復興(Welsh revival)時期,就連運動競賽都會受到影響,所以此時也不例外。

)和一種改革的思維(reformational mindset),這將導致轉化發生。




一個新的合一將臨到教會,特別是在校園中的「禱告之家運動」(House of Prayer movements)的年輕人當中。他們所堅信的是在於主耶穌,而不是一個宗派上。我們領受到警告,要提防欺騙之事,撒旦會企圖分化這些運動。





美國最初的13個殖民地,在未來幾年內將得到神的特別造訪。影響常春藤大學的世俗人文主義之「希臘王子」(Prince of Greece)即將失勢,並開始一個「第三次大覺醒」(Third
Great Awakening


【註 2:第三次大覺醒是指,在第二次大覺醒十九世紀初,經過約二、三十年到了十九世紀中期之時,在美洲大陸又興起一次屬靈復興。教會的弟兄姊妹及城市百姓都悔
改認罪,渴慕認識主。戶外的奮興佈道會帶領人一波波悔改認識主,並得著救恩。也因著復興悔改之浪潮,開啟了普世宣教的浪潮,帶動宣教的烈火焚燒,使福音廣 傳到非洲與亞洲。(維基百科)】




在 這即將來到的季節,神要將主流的禱告殿運動即目前所知在一些代禱界的一種政府代禱型態,轉變為「冠冕與寶座」(Crown and Throne)的代禱型態,在這當中,神希望我們能夠與祂立約,在敬拜中建立祂的權柄寶座,並在祂的寶座前等候,從這之後,神的治理就能彰顯在全地。


「那二十四位長老就俯伏在坐寶座的面前敬拜那活到永永遠遠的,又把他們的冠冕放在寶座前,說:我們的主,我們的 神,你是配得榮耀、尊貴、權柄的;因為你創造了萬物,並且萬物是因你的旨意被創造而有的。」




有 報導從世界各地進來,預言的恩膏正臨到小孩子身上,像是在法國的地方,在1600年末期曾澆灌在胡格諾派(Huguenots)孩子的身上,如今又再次發 生。一個新的撒母耳世代正在興起,二歲到十歲的年幼孩子將會發預言!他們將領受到重要異象與異夢,甚至給予成年人有關生命的指引方向。

【註: 胡格諾派(Huguenots)在1559年的巴黎宗教會議中,由法國各地區的加爾文跟隨者所組織,於16世紀至17世紀為法國新教。此教派受到1530
年代約翰·加爾文思想的影響,在政治上反對君主專制。在1555年至1561年期間,許多貴族和市民改宗胡格諾派,在此期間,天主教會首次用「胡格諾」來 稱呼加爾文的信徒,而胡格諾派則自稱為改革者(維基百科)。】

有一些嬰兒,就是現在仍在子宮裡的胎兒、以及那些剛出生的「復活的嬰兒」(revival babies),上帝已賜給這些非常特殊的小傢伙一個獨特的恩膏與恩賜。



我們都意識到,大多的代禱運動已經走過一段極為疲軟的季節,不過,神必將一種新的活力傾倒在禱告運動來做「脫粒禱告」(thresh in prayer),在這個新的季節中,能看見我們的國家與神的旨意一致。



我們得到一個警告,就在神的清新之風吹在這個季節之時,要注意防備撒旦企圖分裂和分散教會之事。我們一定要「守護我們的禾場」(guard our threshing floors)或是教會、家庭以及事奉的地方。



撒 旦已針對基督的身體發動強烈的攻擊要來「搶走」(rob)我們,而且要讓我們誤以為神並沒有聽見禱告,並使我們認為有些事情為「人生就是如此」(just life)。這種掠奪的靈(robbing spirit)想要抓住我們去接受次好的事物,而不是領受神為我們的生命所預備最美好的事物。










出埃及記22:4, 7,9(現代中文譯本)

「如果被偷的牛,或驢,或羊被發現時還活著,他就得加倍償還。」 「如果有人受託保管別人的錢或貴重物品,被竊賊從家裏偷走,竊賊被抓到的話,必須加倍償還;」 「任何有關財產糾紛的案件,無論涉及牛、羊、驢、衣服,或其他遺失的東西,爭執的雙方都要到敬拜的場所去。上帝判定有罪的一方必須加倍償還對方。」約伯記42:10: 「約伯為他的朋友祈禱。耶和華就使約伯從苦境(原文是擄掠)轉回,並且耶和華賜給他的比他從前所有的加倍。」




大衛帳幕將開始匯聚成一種「巡迴牧師運動」(Circuit Riders Movement),正如同敬拜與福音傳道開始一起運作,如在使徒行傳15:16所預言的,地方教會將開始把24 / 7的禱告網【註:每週7天每天24小時】併入教會生活中。












財富轉移(Transfer of Wealth



















我 們看到一個季節的持續震動,然而這會使舊的敬拜結構開始倒塌,這些將「突如其來地」(suddenlies)發生,在禱告中與埃及連結是非常重要的,因為
這個戰略性國家將成為神的一盞明燈,而「出埃及」(out of Egypt)將帶來一個很大的行動,對世界各國產生影響。




新 一代的亞伯拉罕.凱柏(Abraham Kuyper)將會影響這個國家,而荷蘭將提升到一個新的權柄位置。有一個勸誡是給教會的,就是要進入到一個新的合一與兄弟之愛。撒旦將企圖撕裂基督的身
體,並阻止這個國家走向這新的權柄位置,所以迫切禱告是必要的。【註:有關亞伯拉罕.凱柏(Abraham Kuyper)的介紹,可參考張立明的「凱柏對加爾文神學的闡釋」http://indychinesechurch.org/Kuyper














這些被稱為「環太平洋火山帶」(Rim of Fire or Ring of Fire)的國家,將為神而閃耀發光。菲律賓、印尼、以及其他島嶼,將帶著神的行動而「爆發」(erupt),這是收割的時刻,當然,這會發生在不同的時期。

印尼的禱告殿運動將差遣宣教士遍及中東地區,以及世界上像北韓這般封閉的地區,神將賜下超自然的恩寵給這些「禱告宣教士」(prayer missionaries)。





中譯來源:Formosa Lily Blog

原文:ACPE Word of the Lord for 2014


ACPE Word of the Lord for 2014

January 29, 2014

Generals News, Generals News

ACPE Word of the Lord for 2014

Each year, as we have since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders meets
before the New Year to pray and seek the Lord for a word. In 2011 we added a
group of emerging prophetic leaders that, this year, we consider fully seasoned
members of our round table and we include their input as well into the word of
the Lord.

The ACPE carries the conviction that we are to function as an Acts 13:1-3
group. This passage notes that it was the Holy Spirit releasing a prophetic
word as a consensus of the prophets as opposed to the exclusive utterance of
any one prophet. So, even though this is a compilation of the prophecies that
we each have brought to the round table meeting, it was the general consensus
of the ACPE members that the Holy Spirit was speaking the following prophetic
words to us.

While we are calling this a prophecy for 2014, it should be noted that the ACPE
believes that the Lord speaks more in seasons, as opposed to our calendar
years, and in the past few years we have observed that the trend of some of the
prophetic words has been continuing for several years and is

It is also important to note that intercession can diminish the severity of
some of the words that speak of potential judgment – and in some cases may
avert them all together. In any case, all prophecies should be bathed in
intercession, both the ones that speak of harvest and blessing, as well as the
ones with admonitions attached to them.

As prophets, it is always wise to go back and look at the words we have given
in the past. We did this for the years of 2011-13, and noted that the Lord
continues to speak regarding some of the trends spoken in those years. So let
us reiterate. The timing of prophetic words should generally be understood more
in a season than a calendar year, and the words given are not fate or karma,
but can be changed subject to how God’s people respond.

2014 – The Year of the Double 

There is a spiritual significance to both the Hebraic calendar year 5774, which
we have entered, and the year 2014, which tie together in quite an interesting
way. The Hebraic year 5774 typologically indicates that we will “see the door”
or “know the way in which we should go,” while the year 2014—being a fourteen,
or two sevens—signifies “the double.” Taken together, one could consider this
to be a season of double doors.

Isaiah 45:1-3

“Thus says the Lord to His anointed, To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held –
To subdue nations before him, And loose the armor of kings, To open before him
the double doors, So that the gates will not be shut.

I will go before you And make the crooked places straight, I will break in
pieces the gates of bronze And cut the bars of iron,

I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places,
That you may know that I, the Lord, Am the God of Israel.”

The prophets’ council was encouraged this year to be able to give quite an
encouraging word for the coming year. This is not to say that there will not be
continued shakings, but there is also an open door for acceleration and the
accomplishment of dreams that have seemingly been put on hold or delayed.

Fourteen—The Number of Double Perfection 

While we understand that we are not to be overly mystical, the Bible is a book
of numbers, and fourteen is very significant biblical number. Fourteen
represents double completion, and is used powerfully in the Bible to iterate
this fact. Following are some examples of the significance of fourteen in


Matthew 1:17

“So all the generations from Abraham to David are FOURTEEN generations, from
David until the captivity of Babylon are FOURTEEN generations, and from the
captivity of Babylon until the Christ are FOURTEEN generations.”

There is a shifting of mantles from one generation to another that is taking
place. Leaders need to look for their successors and allow the next generation
to take their place or a move of God will be missed.

The Fear of the Lord 

The number fourteen is also connected with the fear of the Lord and is used 14
times in the book of Proverbs. God is going to put the fear of the Lord back
into the Church and this will be seen through a new holiness movement. New
endurance will be given to those who stand for holiness in all of society. This
will manifest in a unique way through those who are called to media and the
film industry. A “John the Baptist” type anointing will fall upon young
evangelists to preach in such a way that true, deep conversions will result in
dramatic turning away from sin to a life of holiness.

Deliverance and Salvation

The number fourteen represents deliverance and salvation and is used 22 times
as such in the Bible.

God is going to not only give His people a double portion of favor and
influence in this coming year, but wants us to manifest this in others’ lives.
In essence, we are carriers of God’s blessings to others such as Elisha was to
the city of Jericho. He had a double portion of Elijah’s mantle and used it to
heal the waters of the entire city.

The Door of Hope 

In this season that represents a door, one of the most encouraging words we’ve
received is that God is opening a door of hope.

Hosea 2:15 “There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the
Valley of Achor a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her
youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt.”

Hope is the absolute expectation of something good.

Many who have experienced great hopelessness and have even said, “I am so glad
that 2013 is over,” will receive new joy and hope in this coming season. This
hope will be supernatural in nature.

Job 14: 7-9 “For there is hope for a tree, if it is cut down, that it will
sprout again And that its tender shoots will not cease. Though its root may
grow old in the earth And its stump may die in the ground, Yet, at the scent of
water it will bud And bring forth branches like a plant.”

Part of the hope will come as God moves His people from a place of confusion in
their lives to a place of clarity. Many have not been able to see their way and
find direction for their future, but there is coming a new view.

They will see the door or gate.

United States

The Lord is going to give the United States another opportunity to redeem
herself. America has turned away from God and, as prophecies have spoken, has
lost a measure of greatness across the face of the earth. However, there is a
second chance coming to the nation.

There is a battle for the soul of the nation that will manifest in the election
of 2014 but the Lord has some surprises up His sleeve. There will continue to
be polarity between liberals and conservatives, but those states who stand for
biblical values versus those who don’t will experience an increase in

However, the pressure in some states, particularly on the coasts, will cause
people to cry out to God. A new move of God will break out in upstate New York,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The fires of God will also visit Seattle,
Washington once again, as God pushes the reset button on this city that is the
birthplace of the Charismatic Movement.

Latinos will move out in leadership and influence. A major move of revival
around the world will be spear-headed by the Latino community.

Governmental leaders 

The seeds of a new political party that will align with both righteousness and
justice are sprouting in the nation.

There is a shift in political landscapes that will result in new alignments,
and these alignments will surprise and even shock people. The United States is
at a place where there will be a new “party of Lincoln,” with revolutionary
reformers arising. It will have a heart for social justice – fighting human
trafficking, poverty, racism and abortion; and it will marry this with biblical
values. One of its attributes will be a fiscal plan that, when put in place,
will eliminate the national debt. Again, it should be noted that this is not
going to happen within a one year period of time and will require much

Those who have purified themselves and have been faithful are about to be
released at a national level. This is the season for Esthers, Daniels and
Josephs to arise and influence key positions in government. It is a key time
for women in government who must arise and answer the call to engage.

Native Americans are going to come to a new, visible place of government.

A righteousness movement is going to arise out of the African American
community in the United States and it will start something new that will
greatly impact both communities and the nation. This will be, in essence, a new
civil rights movement that will bring the nation back to purity and holiness,
without compromising the stand for justice.

Miracles Linked to the Ending of Abortion

The ending of abortion for the United States will be one spiritual factor in
opening up a new move of miracles. After 1973, and the legalization of
abortion, the United States came under a curse that will begin lifting with the
ending of 2013. This is the year for the re-birth of the signs and wonders
movement and the birthing of the saints’ movement for evangelism and

The Refiner’s Fire

There is, along with the previous things, a renewed groundswell of moral
values. Many leaders have been in the refiner’s fire and have been prepared to
be moved into new levels of leadership.

In the United States’ political landscape, there is a new “black robe regiment”
of pastors arising, such as in the early days of the nation, who will refuse to
compromise biblical values and will be unashamed and unafraid to preach truth
from their pulpits.

Jesus People Movement 

The U.S. is in the midst of another Jesus People Movement, like that of the
late 60’s and early 70’s. In a sense, prior to now, it seems
that we have been in a “prophetic lull” in which the Lord has been quiet
concerning the future, but this has been in God’s strategic plan. For behind
the scenes He has been preparing a new generation of leaders that have a
double-portion anointing on them. They are the new Jesus People and they are an
unstoppable army with passion and compassion – passion for the lost and
compassion for those who are enslaved by poverty, human trafficking and other

There is a divine convergence of the anointing of the past moves of God with
the strength and vitality of the present, and these Jesus People will far
exceed even the great generals of the past. Cities that once had both
governmental and historic revival anointings will be impacted. New Orleans will
be a city that the Holy Spirit will visit in a special way.

These bright shining stars will burst upon the scene in the nations of the
earth. They are going to begin to operate in miracles such as this present
generation has only read about, dreamt about, and prayed to see happen.
Hospitals across the world will become open to having healing rooms for prayer.
As intercession is released for the medical community and researchers, new medical
breakthroughs for cancer and other seemingly incurable diseases will be
released from heaven.

The news media will be gripped by what they see. Stories will be verified. The
sports mountain or sector will continue to be impacted and the move of God among
players will escalate. Whole teams will be seen “taking two” and kneeling down
to pray, both before and after games. Even opposing teams will be seen doing
his, and the liberal press will not be able to intervene because of the sway of
public opinion. Even as in the Welsh revival, in which sports games were
affected, so it will be at this time.

Unreached regions of the world will open up – regions that have been largely
unevangelized. It is truly harvest time. This Jesus People movement will have a
kingdom focus and a reformational mindset that will lead to

Harvest and Stadiums 

New mantles will fall even as they did upon Billy Graham, and stadiums will be
filled. Great faith will arise for the finances for these events. They will be
used of God to spark moves of the Lord in whole cities. A new sound of worship
will arise out of these stadiums that will have the Body of Christ singing
harvest songs. They will be sent out with the anointing to harvest the

Psalm 133 Unity 

A new move of unity will come to the Church, particularly among the youth on
campuses and in the House of Prayer movements. Their adherence will be to the
Lord Jesus rather than to a denomination. We received an admonition to beware
of deception and Satan trying to bring division into these movements.

Admonition to the Prophetic Movement 

There has been a weariness that has come into the prophetic movement. This is a
time to re-fire your passion for God and not to pull back into your comfort
zone. There is even a testing coming to the prophets to see who will be moved
into a larger measure of visibility in the future.

The United States’ Original Colonies 

The original 13 colonies of the U.S are going to receive a special visitation
from God in the coming years. The “Prince of Greece” of secular humanism that
has affected the Ivy League universities is going to come down and the
beginnings of a Third Great Awakening will take place in such colleges as
Harvard and Yale.

Governmental Intercession 

There is going to be a fresh move of God to pray for governments across the
face of the earth. In the past season, there has been a widespread
understanding of what became known as “harp and bowl” intercession, based on
Revelation 5:8:

“And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders
fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden
bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.”

In this coming season, God is going to mainstream into the House of Prayer
movement a type of governmental intercession currently known in some
intercessory circles as “Crown and Throne” intercession, wherein the Lord wants
us to make covenant with Him to establish His throne of authority in worship
and waiting before Him.

From this, His governance can be manifested in the earth.

This would mirror on earth what happens in heaven as written in Revelation

“The twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and
worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the
throne and say:

“’You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for
you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their

This depicts the recognition by thrones and dominions that God is worthy to
receive the glory and honor and power of those thrones and dominions by right
of creation, and the fact that what heaven is modeling should be recognized by
thrones (nations) on earth.

There was a sense that God is going to discipline earthly leaders who have
decided that they are going to move the boundaries that the Lord, Himself, has
set up for the governance of nations.

Children’s Movement 

Reports are coming in from around the world of the anointing for prophetic
utterance falling upon little children in places like France. There was an
outpouring upon the children of the Huguenots in the late 1600’s and it is happening again. A new Samuel
generation is arising and small children as young as two to ten years old will
prophesy! They will receive key visions and dreams that will give direction
even to the adults in their lives.

There are babies in the womb now and those just being born who are “revival
babies.” God has given a unique anointing and giftedness to these very special
little ones.

The Threshing Floor 

During this season of harvest and revelation, there is going to come a
threshing. Harvest always involves a time of separating the wheat from the
chaff. God is going to deal with spiritual deception and false doctrine. We
must watch and pray against deception.

We all realized that the intercessory movement, in general, has gone through a
season of great weariness.

However, the Lord will pour out upon the prayer movements a new vitality to “thresh
in prayer” and see our nations align with God’s purposes during this new

The threshing floor was always built in a place to catch the wind. The teaching
gift will bring a new, fresh wind of God along with the signs, wonders, and
miracles. The chaff, as it were, of unbelief is going to be blown away.

Grace will come upon the Church to build in this time in order to have “silos”
to keep the harvest. Many who have believed for property and new space will see
that this is the time to move out in faith and God will supernaturally

There was an admonition given to watch against Satan trying to divide and
scatter the Church in the midst of the fresh wind of God blowing in this
season. We must “guard our threshing floors” or churches, homes and places of

Symbolically, the threshing floor was the place where David made sacrifice to
break the curse upon the nation.

There is coming a deep conviction of giving one’s life as well as finances to
build the Kingdom on many levels.

This will include a move of God for world harvest.

Robbing Spirit 

Satan has brought great attacks against the Body of Christ to “rob” us and
cause us to believe that God does not hear and that there are certain things
that are “just life.” This robbing spirit wants to get us to accept second best
instead of God’s highest for our lives.

There is a special anointing in this year of the double to command that Satan
pay back what he has robbed from us. Flu Season We feel that Satan is going to
try and release a new strain of flu to break out, that is quite virulent – and
we must both pray and guard against its effects.


Corruption will be exposed among government officials and some who have felt
they were immune to being seen will be revealed as liars.

Corruption will be exposed in some mining industries, including coal

Stand on Guard 

The Houses of Prayer need to mobilize strategically to stand on guard for their
nations at this time. We must stand on guard and not allow our prayer movements
to become weary, but remain watching on the wall.

New super storms will try to develop and God is giving new authority to
intercessors to legislate against them.

Be aware and stand on guard.

The Church needs to be alert and sensitive – stand on guard in order to
restrain things done in secret that will attempt to adversely affect our

Double Restitution

The law of restitution will have a particular significance in this year as we
go to the court of heaven for justice.

Exodus 22:4, 7, 9

“If the stolen animal is found alive in his (a thief’s) possession —
whether ox or donkey or sheep — he (the thief) must pay back double.

“If a man gives his neighbor silver or goods for safekeeping and they are
stolen from the neighbor’s house, the thief, if he is caught, must pay back

“In all cases of illegal possession of an ox, a donkey, a sheep, a garment, or
any other lost property about which somebody says, ‘This is mine,’ both parties
are to bring their cases before the judges. The one whom the judges declare
guilty must pay back double to his neighbor.”

Job 42:10

“And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also
the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.” These verses all show that
restitution was to be paid double. This is very significant as 2014 is the year
of the double.

An admonition was given to call back, with a double portion, those things Satan
has robbed us of in the past years. Many have lost much financially in the last
number of years and this is a time for both restoration and restitution. Double
return of lost finances should be called in and this will manifest for many in
the next few years.

Worship Movement 

The Tabernacle of David will begin to come together with a “Circuit Riders
Movement” as worship and evangelism begin to function together as prophesied in
Acts 15:16. Local churches will begin to incorporate 24/7 prayer into the life
of the Church.

Acts 15:16

“After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which
is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it

7 Mountains Movement 


Kingdom influence in this mountain will increase in the coming years. The
mountains of arts/entertainment and media will see huge strides as young
directors and filmmakers make their voices heard in a non-religious way that
will bring wholesome content to the theaters.

Young film graduates will launch undercover film projects which will ultimately
expose social injustices. These will rally people to take action against what
was once being done in darkness.

Mentoring connections will come together in the industry and Bible studies will
spring up among those in media and film.


Families will begin to pray together once again. Fathers will rise up and begin
to pray both with and for their children each day. It is time to light the
family altar. Restoration of families in fulfillment of Malachi 4:6 will
escalate and the prodigals will return to the Lord.

Malachi 4:6

“And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of
the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a


New leadership in this mountain will arise and put structures in place in a way
that would be system disruptors.

God is going to release greater revelation to the Christian business sector.
Witty innovations will be created which will produce dramatic results. For
example, there will be a rise of disruptive technology in Africa that will aid
clean water projects throughout the continent.

Transfer of Wealth 

Revelation regarding the transfer of wealth will also take on a new scale as
those who have accumulated wealth begin to move into the seven mountains. This
is already happening in a covert way and there will be surprise “take-overs” of
some major media outlets – from news magazines, newspapers and television

New forms of philanthropy will arise and believers will burst to the top of
their mountains almost out of nowhere.

Many Josephs are coming to the end of their testing. There is a linking of
funding from Asia to the right people in other nations who will strategically
channel the funds.

Medical inventions will also come forth that will bring both healing to many
and finances into the business sector.

God is going to increasingly reveal new disruptive technological innovation to
kingdom minded marketplace leaders, which will release wealth. Coupled with
this wealth creation, new economic strategies for the elimination of systemic
poverty will be voiced by many in the Christian business community.

Words for Nations 

Middle East 


There is a coming move of God among the children and youth in Israel. We felt
that the Lord has allowed the situation with Iran to continue for a season to
cause an awakening in Israel.


A continued division between the Sunni and Shia denominations of Islam will
escalate. This division will give a remarkable open door for the gospel to be
spread by the Church in the Middle East as the contrast between light and dark,
Jesus and Islam, is going to be seen. The prayer movement of Isaiah 19 will
emerge in a stronger way than ever before.

Large numbers of Muslims are both coming and going to come to the Lord. There
are 22 new houses of prayer in Egypt.

A warning was given that a drought is coming to both the Euphrates and the Nile
so prayer is needed.


Iran’s nuclear power is like a Tower of Babel that will eventually

Syria, Lebanon, Northern Iraq 

Beauty for ashes is coming for the people of God in this region. Little
children will have visitations from God, even in the refugee camps.


We see a continued shaking for a season but this will cause the old worship
structures to begin to topple. These will occur in “suddenlies.” It is
important to align with Egypt in prayer as this strategic nation will become a
shining light for the Lord and “out of Egypt” will come a great move of God that
will impact the nations of the earth.


An awakening movement is beginning to ignite Europe. France, as mentioned
earlier, is stirring to awaken. The wells of revival in Wales, Scotland, and
Ireland will re-open and this will cause England to look and see what God is
doing and be impacted by their moves of God.


A new generation of Abraham Kuypers is going to touch this nation and the
Netherlands will arise to a new position of authority. There is an admonition
to the Church to come into a new level of unity and the love of the brethren.
Satan will try to split the Body of Christ wide open and stop the nation from
moving to this level of authority, so prayer is needed.



China will continue to increase. The one-child policy will continue to crumble
and its end will signal a new season of fruitfulness upon the whole

University campuses will be touched by the power of God across China.


There is a new generation of Japanese leaders who are going to be passionate to
see their nation touched by the power of God. Watch and see them arise and even
impact the international scene.


The Church that has plateaued in Korea will begin to grow. Evangelists will
come to the front. The film and music industry will experience a powerful
moving of the Holy Spirit.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong must come to the forefront concerning finances and economic
strategies that will impact the world.


Look to see this nation burst upon the scene in influence across all the face
of the earth.

Rim of Fire Nations

The nations known as “Rim of Fire” or “Ring of Fire” will become ablaze for
God. The Philippines, Indonesia, and other islands of the sea will “erupt” with
a move of God. It is harvest time. This, of course, will take place over
differing periods of time.

The House of Prayer movement from Indonesia will send missionaries across the
Middle East and the face of the earth in such closed areas as North Korea and
God will give supernatural favor to these “prayer missionaries.”


Things will continue to shake but with these shakings the Church is going to
arise and impact the whole nation in many levels of society.

The Mediterranean Region

Greece is going to arise out of its intense shakings as the power of the prince
of Greece is being broken and the prayers of the saints for this historic and
important nation are manifested.

Many Mediterranean areas will begin to experience sparks that will become
flames of fire. It is critical to pray for protection against terrorism
concerning the sea borders in the Mediterranean.